Village of Saddle Rock

Below you will find all of the information associated with your violation. Please review all of the details and follow the instructions to pay online, pay by mail or dispute your violation.

Choose your payment method
Credit Card

[getpaid form=2017]

Pay By Mail
Follow the instructions on the ticket. Enclose a check or money order for the full amount due.
Do NOT send cash.
Don’t include any correspondence in the envelope other than your payment. To ensure proper credit, please include the stub with your payment which includes the violation number.
Make Pay To
PO. BOX 2222
Pleas Note: The adress is for mailing correspodence trough postal mail. Walk-ins will not be seen at this location.
Request In-Person Hearing Date

Return a copy of your ticket and a letter explaining why you should be found not guilty of the violation. Attach copies of any evidence that you wish to present.

Make sure to keep copies of everything that you send for your own records.
Mail your Request to
PO. BOX 2222
Pleas Note: The adress is for mailing correspodence trough postal mail. Walk-ins will not be seen at this location.
Common reason for disputing ticket
Vehicle or plates were stolen, lost, sold, transferred vehicle defense.
Enclose a copy of either

1) the Police Stolen Vehicle Report or the Police Stolen/Lost Plate(s) Report obtainable at the police precinct where the the ft/loss was reported or

2) Provide proof of sale including name and address of the new owner and (if applicable) proof of insurance cancellation or transfer for that vehicle or proof of plate surrender. (Voluntary Surrender of Plate(s) Report can be obtained from your local DMV). NOTE: If you are submitting either of the police reports or proof of sale to support your claim, then ONLY the violations listed on the notice issued on or after the date you made the official report or sold your vehicle may be dismissed. If a violation was issued PRIOR to the report date and you are disclaiming responsibility, then we require a fully detailed statement plus the subsequent police report(s), as well as proof of insurance cancellation when applicable.

My vehicle but I was not the driver
Pleas Note: the vehicle identified bears a license plate registered or leased in your name. All registered owners are legally responsible for this violation. Points will not be assessed against the registered owner or the designated driver for this violation.
Death of the registrant
The death of the registrant prior to or within 90 days of the issuance of the ticket is a total defense to any ticket. You will need to submit the death certificate as proof.
Repeat violations
This defense may be available to dismiss a duplicate ticket if the duplicate ticket was issued on the same day, for the same violation, at the same location, within three hours of this first ticket. You can receive a similar ticket every three hours.